Meet Madeira - FRN Chapter President at Olivet Nazarene University

Madeira Sherwood is the President of Food Recovery Network at Olivet Nazarene University.  FRN at ONU was founded in November of 2017 and has recovered almost 20,412  lbs. to date!

What is most fulfilling about your work with FRN. Why?

It is so encouraging to see the growth of our student volunteers. It is amazing to watch this group of students, who barely knew each other when they began, work together to make such a measurable impact in our community! I often think about how volunteering as a college student is so much more than the hours put in and even the results. Our volunteers are creating a habit of service, and this is something that they will take with them across the country and the world after graduation. I can’t even begin to imagine the ways these students will change the world!

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What is your favorite part of being a member of your FRN chapter? 

As college students, we are all so busy, but there is something so special about coming together with your peers to make this world a better place. FRN has been a great opportunity to bring more meaning from your college experience than just getting a degree!


If you are a chapter founder, why did you want to start a chapter in your community?

While I wasn’t the one to initiate this project, I did get the privilege of working on the team that planned for and established our FRN chapter at Olivet. I joined this team because I saw the need in our community and the excess resources that we had available at Olivet. I couldn’t just stand around after seeing this disconnect. I wanted to be a part of bridging the gap!

During the pandemic, how has this experience been valuable to you?

There are so many things that have been out of our control during this pandemic, and it has likely left us all with many moments of feeling helpless. Being able to continue our work with FRN during the pandemic has not only been a source of consistency, but it has also been an incredible opportunity to serve others in a time when the need is so great.

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What does a just and equitable food system look like to you?

I want to be a part of a movement that sets all people up for success. One of the ways to do that is to ensure that everyone is receiving the necessities of life. There are enough resources, so we should be purposeful about connecting the resources with those in need around us.

What advice would you give to new members – especially during a pandemic? What was something you wish someone had told you before you took on your role?

At times, leading a group of student volunteers can be overwhelming and frustrating, but in the end, it is so worth it! I would encourage anyone to stay committed and keep their focus on what led them there – a deep passion for helping others.

What is your Instagram handle?

Personal Instagram: @madeira_sherwood, FRN Instagram: @frnolivet