from october 1st - october 31st, Submit photos & videos for the chance to win $100 for your chapter!

To enter the contest, use the upload form to submit pictures and/or videos of your chapter. Scroll for guidelines and examples.

Five winners will be selected!

  • 3 photos/videos drawn at random

  • 1 funniest photo/video

  • 1 show us your best FRNds photo/video

Must be currently affiliated with an official FRN Chapter to participate. By sending these photos and videos you grant Food Recovery Network license to repost, publicly display, reproduce entries, in whole or in part, in any media or use now existing of later developed, for any purpose. This contest is not sponsored, endorsed, administered by or associated with Instagram.

Good luck! Contest closes on 10/31/24 at 11:59pm EST. Winners in the general category will be randomly selected. All winners will be notified via DM or email by @foodrecovery by November 4th, 2024.


  1. Pictures and videos can be of your chapter tabling, recovering food, advocating, having a meeting, or anything else your chapter does!

  2. Videos do not have a length requirement -- we just want to see your chapter in motion, whether that be during a meeting, event, recovery, etc.

  3. Please make sure your submissions are clear and good quality (see examples below).

  4. Please ensure photos reflect adherence to food safety guidelines! (hat or hair net, gloves, close-toed shoes)