Fight Waste. Feed People.
Millions of people in the U.S. experience hunger and food insecurity every day. That’s why we’re proud to work with students across the country as they lead the movement to recover surplus food that would otherwise go to waste – working to feed their neighbors, reduce waste, and make the world a bit more sustainable – one meal at a time.
40% of food is wasted. You can help change that.
Food waste has been a consistent and prevelant problem in our country impacting millions of people. Our student-led chapters are addressing food waste at their institution and since 2011 have recovered over 5M pounds. Help us reduce waste at your institution by starting a chapter today.
“Working with FRN gave me confidence to pursue new goals, and helped me realize what a impact just a few devoted people can make!”
What you need to get started:
Build a team of 3 student leaders
Find a faculty or staff advisor to support
Choose a chapter path - food recovery,
advocacy and education, or volunteer service
I Submitted a Chapter Application, Now What?
Congratulations! Submitting a chapter application is your first step to impacting your community. We’ve received your application and you'll be contacted via email by one of our FRN national staff members when your application is accepted. From there FRN National staff will provide one-on-one guidance and share resources, including an in-depth food recovery guide, to help you start a chapter at your school!
Why Start a Chapter with FRN?
One-on-One support and the framework to build a successful food recovery program
Start-up and yearly grant funding (up to $300) for chapter activities
Access to a network of peers working on fighting waste and feeding people
Leadership development and opportunity to build a community at your institution
Chances to attend national events and advocate for a hunger-free country
Want to start a chapter, but need more information first? Start by signing up for our newsletter today!
“Being part of FRN has changed how I look at food and the American food system in general. I wasn’t as passionate about food-related issues and food waste before I joined FRN, and now that I have been part of the leadership team for two years, that passion has grown even stronger.”