What Does a Just and Equitable Food System Mean to You?

Today’s food system would look unrecognizable to what we had a century ago. What was once sustained by organic practices and family-owned farming is now a highly industrialized system that disproportionately impacts people of color and communities in need. The result? A system that further exacerbates the connection between food and people.

Enter FRN leaders who are opening the pathway to a system that is inclusive to the needs of all people and the planet. 

What does a just and equitable food system mean to FRN? Watch the videos below to find out. 

Cassie Olovsson, Manager of Stakeholder Engagement 

Julia Ormond, Advocacy & Outreach Fellow 

Katie Jones, Chief Operating Officer 

Melody Riddle-Wilder, Data & Evaluation Fellow 

What does a just and equitable food system mean to you? Connect with us on Twitter @FoodRecovery and let us know!