Do You Believe In (NFRD) Magic?

NFRD17 Group Photo

Dear FRNds,

Thanks to of all of you who attended, Food Recovery Network’s second annual National Food Recovery Dialogue (NFRD) was a success. Each and every one of you who contributed an idea, shared a question, offered a suggestion, met a new FRNd, jotted down a “brain blast” for others to read, and absorbed knowledge made the conference what it was, creating an energy that pulsed through the rooms of the University of D.C. The weekend would not have been the same without you. You brought the magic.

At the National Office, we’ve been talking about “NFRD Magic” since the first NFRD in April 2016. Unanimously, we had a desire to bring that magic into the planning of our second annual dialogue, so we asked ourselves: what is that magic and where does it come from? How do we ensure this year’s participants feel the same magic that was felt last year? We had to think beyond the countless meetings, months of planning and the boxes of conference swag lining our office hallway. We imagined sitting in a room, surrounded by hundreds of people passionate about and committed to the same mission. We envisioned chapters in progress conversing with chapters who are four, five, six years old. We anticipated discussions in breakouts going something like this: “Our chapter struggles with volunteer organizing, how can we make it better?” and the answer of “At our chapter, we do this…” being one of many suggestions given as support. The advice, the best practices, the tips and tricks. It’s all magic.

At NFRD, we saw this magic come to life. We saw strangers become friends, mentees become inspired, and the FRN mission manifest itself in the hearts of leaders from all across the country.

While you spend your days focused on your community, your home, your people, there are thousands of people across the country focusing on their communities, their homes, their people. This was the weekend when we came together, looked one another in the eye and said “I care, too.”

That’s the NFRD magic.

Now what will you do with it? How will you carry it with you? If you ever feel weary or burned out, look in your heart and remember the way it felt to be surrounded by FRNds who care just as much as you. Then remember that they’re out there across the country, in the next city over, or maybe right next door, focusing on the same things you are and fighting the same fight you are. Remember that they’re there to help their fellow FRNd.

We’re so thankful to share in this movement with all of you.


Regina and hc