Food Recovery Network

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Meet Anna Brennan - An FRN Chapter Founder at Binghamton University

Anna is the co-president of FRN at SUNY Binghamton. FRN at Binghamton was originally founded in 2017 but was taken over and restructured by Anna and Chase (also highlighted on the blog)! Since its original founding, FRN at Binghamton has recovered 173,567.49 pounds🤯.

What is most fulfilling about your work with FRN. Why?

Anna, Binghamton: The ability to give back to my community in a very tangible way is extremely fulfilling to me. Weighing out the food and totaling up the pounds we donate is very rewarding because I can visualize all the meals that will be made with that food.

What is your favorite part of being a member of your FRN chapter? 

My favorite part of being a member of my chapter is knowing that we have great younger members who are dedicated just as much as I am to keeping the chapter going after I graduate. Members who I know will continue to improve and help out our community and our earth.

What goes into starting a chapter where you live?

Why did you want to start a chapter in your community?

Anna: My fellow co-president and I wanted to found our chapter on our campus because we wanted to decrease the amount of food waste on campus and to increase the amount of food going to our communities in need.

During the pandemic, how has this experience been valuable to you?

Anna: As everyone knows, times during the pandemic are very hard for many people, so being able to continue providing food for the community that is going through tough times during a pandemic is very humbling.

What does a just and equitable food system look like to you?

Anna: A just and equitable food system to me is one in which all people have access to affordable healthy food options. The community near my school, Binghamton, is a known food desert. Food deserts would not exist in a just food system, and we are doing our best to help alleviate the problems through FRN associated with being in a food desert, but it is not enough. This is a problem that needs to be fixed.

What advice would you give to new members – especially during a pandemic? What was something you wish someone had told you before you took on your role?

My advice to new members would be to really advocate for your chapter. Sometimes with shutdowns, it is hard to get on campus and get into your dining hall to retrieve the extra food. Talk to your administrators and work with everyone to safely do what you can to continue helping even during this pandemic.

What is your Instagram handle (if you have one)?


Inspired by Anna's story?

Learn more about starting a chapter where you live!