Food Recovery Network

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Meet Chris, FRN's new Program Assistant

All of us at FRN are thrilled to welcome Chris DePiazza as one of the newest members of our team! Chris is FRN’s Program Assistant, using his insight as a college student and an intern with FRN in summer 2022 to continue strengthening our programs and propelling the food recovery movement further.

About Chris

Chris started his work with FRN as a Maryland Public Service Scholars Fellow this summer. Chris is interested in becoming involved with food justice, so the work that FRN engages in stood out to him immediately. Chris is currently studying at Mount St. Mary’s University (go Mount!), working towards a B.A. in Sociology, a B.S. in Economics, and a Spanish minor. At the Mount, Chris is involved on campus in the Center for Service (formerly the Office of Social Justice) and the CORE Leadership Program, introducing him to professional community service by making deep connections with community partners and organizations and by leading service experiences for students. During Summer 2021, Chris had the opportunity to intern in the Volunteer Engagement Office at Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington, where he was professionally introduced into the nonprofit sector. Outside of school and work, Chris enjoys playing the piano, trying to improve his cooking skills, listening to music (constantly), and spending time with friends. Chris is very excited to learn, grow, and help people in this new position!

7 Questions

What are three traits that define you?

  • Outgoing, cheerful, energetic

Where do you consider your home?

  • St. Mary’s County, Maryland

What is your favorite meal?

  • Probably either a reuben or sushi

What is your most used emoji?

  • The disoriented emoji with the swirly eyes 😵‍💫

What is the one thing you cannot live without?

  • I could not live without showers

What profession would you never try?

  • I could never be a middle school teacher

What interests/excites you about FRN's work?

  • I was super excited to be able to join FRN because of the unique way FRN enables different groups of people to engage in work related to food justice, sustainability, and environmental justice. The community and relationships that FRN has created in their network is amazing!