#FRNSpeaks: Arynne Wegryn-Jones, University of Michigan

Exploring Farm to Institution Dining at the University of Michigan

Arynne Wegryn-Jones is a member of Food Recovery Network at the University of Michigan, where more than 23,000 pounds of food have been recovered since 2012. Are you interested in telling your unique #FRNSpeaks story? Want to get in touch with Arynne and the University of Michigan chapter? Reach out to programs@foodrecoverynetwork.org and we'd be happy to connect you. 

If you’ve ever been to a farmers market, the first thing you might notice is a sense of connection between the products and the people there. You might see how eager each farmer is to talk to you about what they’re selling, because most of the time they grew it or made it themselves. If you’ve ever eaten a vegetable that was harvested that day, or bitten into an apple that came from the orchard down the street, you might notice how much better it tastes. This taste is not just physical. An entirely new eating experience comes from knowing the food is not only good for you, but good for the person you bought it from and good for the environment in which it grew. This is something I came to understand over the course of my first semester as a student at the University of Michigan and a member of the Food Recovery Network (FRN).

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I joined FRN early in the fall of my first year at the U of M. I was inspired by its mission to fight an issue I had never thought much about myself: the outrageous and unnecessary level of food waste in this country and the amount of people who are still going hungry despite it. The knowledge I have gained from FRN regarding this absurd gap, and the experience I have gained in fighting it by volunteering, has inspired me to take on a greater role in the food system we have on campus.

This past fall I had the honor of being enrolled in a course called “The Future of Food at the University of Michigan,” taught by Professor Lisa Young. The course looked at the past, present, and future of the food system here at the University of Michigan and what it is doing to become more sustainable. Students in the course examined various aspects of the U of M food system in order to collaboratively imagine and discuss ways to address the challenges associated with a sustainable food system.

As an honors student (and a newly-inspired food system fanatic), I chose to complete an additional research project that delved deeper into what we were learning in class. I decided to examine the food system at an institution known for being one of the leaders in the nation for sustainable food sourcing, the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and compare their model to that of MDining at U of M. With the help of Professor Young, I arranged an interview with the recently retired Chef de Cuisine of MDining, Nelson “Buzz” Cummings, to talk about the history of the locally-sourced food system at U of M.

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Through my research, I learned that “sustainable” and “local”, though intimately related, are two different ways to think about food. Chef Buzz told a story about taking students on a trip to Lesser Farms in Dexter, MI to pick apples and make the connection to where the food in the dining halls was grown. He described how he valued fresh, local produce and the relationships they build with the farmers in sourcing it, compared to conventionally grown and mass-distributed products. I learned about the challenges U of M has faced with switching to doing business with small-scale local producers and how they have had to make compromises to meet both the needs of the farmers and the needs of U of M. By controlling portion sizes, implementing trayless dining, composting whatever they can’t recover, U of M has made strides to reduce their level of food waste as an institution.

Although MDining is unique in the way it sources local food, it is not alone in trying to make the institution more sustainable and less wasteful. UMass Amherst has adopted a goal of sourcing 50% local food by the year 2060, which is comparable to U of M’s more modest goal of 20% sustainably sourced food by 2025. UMass has made enormous progress toward its goal and described the plan in its publication Making Local, Healthy, Sustainable Delicious; The How-To Guide for Foodservice Operators. Schools across the nation are recognizing the health and educational benefits of local food sourcing.

It all comes back to what local sourcing means for our food system. When you go to the farmers market and buy a bushel of greens or a carton of eggs, you’re supporting your health by eating fresh organic products. You’re also supporting the health of your local economy by keeping funds in the community and creating jobs. Most importantly, you’re supporting the health of the environment by discouraging large-scale production that increases carbon emissions. Large-scale institutions like the Universities of Massachusetts and Michigan are uniquely able to lead the transformation to a sustainable and less wasteful food system through opportunities to educate students. Through this course and my involvement with FRN, I learned that waste is a problem not just for food, but for resources of every kind. I am optimistic, however, that the future of food is a good one if we at FRN continue to work together to reduce, and educate on food waste, and if our community continues to demand local, healthy, sustainable foods. My advice for you is this: give often, waste little, eat local, and GO BLUE!


Five Films on Food Waste and Hunger That You Should Be Watching

Searching for good documentaries can be overwhelming. The abundance of options can lead to you perusing Netflix for hours, fruitlessly debating which film to actually watch. Luckily, we’ve combed the internet for you and created a list of five food-related documentaries we think are worth your time, based on online reviews. Whether you’re a foodie looking to learn more about food production, a student seeking to reduce food waste on campus, or a Food Recovery Network supporter, these films — which discuss food waste, food insecurity, and food production — are bound to contribute to your knowledge base. So grab some (sustainably-produced) popcorn and start watching!

1. “Wasted!”  

Directed by Anna Chai and Nari Kye and released in October 2018, “Wasted!” seeks to "change the way people buy cook, recycle, and eat food,” according to the film’s website.

The film shows how chefs repurpose food that would otherwise be thrown out to create delicious dishes. Once you learn how our current practices surrounding food production and food waste contribute to climate change, you’re bound to be inspired to adopt more sustainable practices. “Wasted!” is “surprisingly appetizing and funny...for a movie that harangues us for throwing out edible food,” according to a Rotten Tomatoes review. It is available for rent on Amazon.

2. “A Place at the Table” 

This documentary, directed by Kristi Jacobson and Lori Silverbush, focuses on the plights of three food-insecure Americans. It walks you through their days and emphasizes struggles they face during mealtimes. According to the film, one out of every two American kids will be on food assistance at some point, and about 50 million Americans rely on charitable food programs. “A Place at the Table” highlights that issues caused by hunger can be alleviated if Americans recognize that ending hunger should be a priority. The film, which is available for rent on Amazon, is “a shocking indictment of how people are starving in the land of plenty,” according to a Rotten Tomatoes review.

3. “How to Feed the World” 

Looking for a short film that sums up many of the problems relating to food access and food insecurity that we are currently facing? “How to Feed the World,” directed by Denis van Waerebeke, should be on your list. The 10-minute film, which was originally created for viewers between ages nine and 14 and can be viewed for free on Vimeo, uses colorful graphics to explain how globalization and trade influence which foods are available in different regions of the globe. Though distributing food to malnourished people in poorer countries may help temporarily, this act can actually cause more harm to local economies,  perpetuating further problems, the film argues. “How to Feed the World” urges members of Earth to work together to eat more sustainably to create a lasting solution. It recommends for individuals to make a difference by eating more plant-based products.

4. “Taste the Waste”  

Are you having a hard time picturing how much food goes to waste? “Taste the Waste,” directed by Valentin Thurn, will provide you with a more complete understanding of the quantity of food being thrown away, much of which is still edible. 90 million tons of food are thrown away in the European Union per year, including 3 million tons of bread, according to the film. The camera pans over dumpsters filled with “old” bakery items and trucks bursting with “insufficient” vegetables. It describes how technology is used to discard tomatoes solely based on their colors, and explains how “the food thrown away in Europe and North America would be enough to feed all hungry people in the world three times over.” “Taste the Waste,” which you can watch on YouTube, is a testament to how much good food is actually being wasted, and perhaps inspiration to be more mindful before discarding “bad” food.

5. “Just Eat It” 

What do you get when two filmmakers, Jen Rustemeyer and Grant Baldwin, realize the consequences of food waste? A documentary that details our “systematic obsession with expiry dates, perfect produce, and portion sizes,” according to the film’s website. “Just Eat It” tracks Rustemeyer and Baldwin’s lives as they survive off foods that were designated for the trash. This film, which is funny and entertaining in addition to being an “eye-opener,” according to reviews, will likely make you reconsider how you examine produce in the grocery store. “Just Eat It” is available for rent on Amazon and YouTube. Additionally, Rustemeyer was the keynote speaker at FRN’s National Food Recovery Dialogue – another reason to watch this incredible film!

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Food Recovery Verified: 4 Days, 2 conferences, 1 food recovery

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Six Goucher College students gathered in mid-November to recover four days’ worth of food from two concurrent events at the Baltimore Hilton. Every year, NARUC, the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, and NASUCA, the National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates, host an annual conference at the same location at the same time. They started doing this to allow members from each organization to attend panels hosted by the other organization. All in all, both organizations draw participation from nearly 1,600 people over the course of their four-day conferences.

This year, organizers Michelle Malloy (of NARUC) and Nicole Haslup (of NASUCA) wanted to change one thing about their annual conference: food waste. Michelle required RSVPs for each meal in an attempt to have a more accurate food count prior to the event. Despite her best efforts, there was still surplus from the various meals. Knowing that would be the case, Malloy and Haslup worked with Food Recovery Network (FRN) to get their conferences Food Recovery Verified. This means that they agreed to set aside any edible untouched food from the meals throughout the four days of their conferences. Because the event was hosted at the same location and the food was coming from the same kitchen, it made recovering food that much easier.

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Goucher College is home to a very active and vibrant FRN chapter. Allie Sklarew, the chapter's president, jumped at the opportunity to help recover from these events and recruited five other volunteers to transport the food.  “I think our chapter [has] the potential to do large-scale recoveries after this,” Sklarew said after successfully organizing this recovery. Goucher College FRN’s willingness to execute recoveries outside of their campus demonstrates their dedication and commitment to the movement of fighting food waste and feeding people.

On November 14, 2017, 29 pans totaling 136 pounds of surplus food from both NARUC and NASUCA events were donated to Project PLASE in downtown Baltimore.

You can recover the surplus food from your next event with the help of Food Recovery Network and by getting Food Recovery Verified! Find out more about Food Recovery Verified here. 

Alumni Spotlight: Carl Diethelm, Green Mountain College '17

Environmental Protection Agency's Food Recovery Hierarchy (https://www.epa.gov/sustainable-management-food)

Environmental Protection Agency's Food Recovery Hierarchy (https://www.epa.gov/sustainable-management-food)

Carl Diethelm, a 2017 graduate of Green Mountain College in Poultney, Vermont, founded his school’s FRN chapter as a junior in the spring of 2016. As one of the most sustainable colleges in the United States, Green Mountain College was already composting much of the uneaten food at the dining hall when Carl first started the chapter. But composting only goes so far, and it took Carl’s enhanced knowledge of the issue to come up with an even better idea for dealing with the leftover food. According to the Environmental Protection Agency’s food recovery

hierarchy, a chart of management strategies for what to do with wasted food, source reduction and feeding people are far more beneficial to both the environment and to society than composting or throwing food in a landfill. Through his work starting this FRN chapter, Carl realized that donating leftover prepared food could help Green Mountain dining become even more environmentally conscious and ethical by moving three steps higher on the food recovery hierarchy. He says, “I was known as ‘Compost Carl’, but because of my experience with FRN, I realized it is much more fulfilling to get food to people or animals, or prevent it from being over-produced in the first place.”

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This experience of finding an even better solution to a problem that many thought was already solved encouraged Carl to pursue a career in organic waste diversion after graduation. Carl now works at the GMC dining hall as the food recovery specialist and server, working to help his school achieve zero-waste status, while continuing to support GMC’s FRN chapter. He also serves as Outreach Coordinator for the Rutland County Solid Waste Management Entity, a materials management planning and administration organization. He contacts businesses, schools, and other organizations directly to discuss proper disposal of their unused materials. For example, the state of Vermont recently passed a Universal Recycling Law that requires everyone to divert food scraps from the landfill by 2020, and the Solid Waste Districts are charged with making sure everyone knows this law exists and ensuring they are aware of different options available to comply with it. Days spent fighting waste and feeding people, Carl says, “is very rewarding to me, and I see myself continuing in these career areas for a long time,” he said.  

His favorite FRN memory is his chapter’s first community meal at the local Methodist Church, which had more than 70 attendees. “It was nerve-wracking to try serving all those people in two hours from a small kitchen, but the reward was a great feeling of accomplishment.” To current FRN students, Carl advises: “Take it slow. While it can be disheartening to see how much food is wasted every minute, rushing to start new programs or extend current food recovery projects can sometimes result in burn-out and maybe a loss of food safety. Start new relationships with small pilot programs, and use the network to reach out to others if you have any questions.”

Carl also encourages students to keep an open mind. “Some people might not be excited about certain foods they receive, but listen to them with an open heart and just do your best to use the feedback in positive ways,” he says. “While one of the main goals of food recovery is to help prevent food insecurity, it is not a solution to reducing poverty. Recognizing that others might be less privileged and have different foods they are raised eating will allow you to step back and remember that we are all human with our own unique life experience.”

The FRN Alumni Network is powerful because passionate alumni like Carl are out in the workforce and in communities all across the country. Finding real solutions to real problems, even when it’s difficult, is what FRN leaders do best. Carl, thanks for all you do and keep up the great work!

Interested in being part of our alumni network? Fill out our survey to stay connected here, and email alumni@foodrecoverynetwork.org or Sarah Diamond, our Alumni Programs VISTA, at sarah.diamond@foodrecoverynetwork.org with any inquiries you have. We can’t wait to hear from you!


27,655 pounds of food, 50 volunteers, 1 massive recovery: How FRN made history at the 2018 Winter Fancy Food Show

“I got to see, with my own eyes, what over 27,000 pounds of food waste actually is. No food waste statistic, article, picture, or story will ever be as impactful as standing next to the mountains of would-have-been-wasted food.” — Jack Steinmann, FRN Chapter President at San Francisco State University

Food Recovery Network (FRN) started 2018 by making history with our largest one-day food recovery to date: 27,655 pounds of food. Fifty volunteers recovered 68 pallets of products from the Specialty Food Association 2018 Winter Fancy Food Show in San Francisco, which was donated to the Delancey Street Foundation, a nonprofit residential self-help organization.

Specialty Food Association (SFA), a membership-based trade association that represents specialty food retailers, entrepreneurs, and distributors, hosts a Fancy Food Show every summer in New York City and winter in San Francisco. During these events, SFA members have the opportunity to showcase their latest and greatest food products to buyers and competition alike. Buyers include those purchasing for markets, large and small, throughout the country. Thousands of vendors fill aisles with an array of food products from around the world including everything from flavored chocolates, artisanal cheeses and handmade pastas, to olive oils, coconut waters, and small batch salsas.

The entrance into the Moscone Center, South Hall, as the 2018 Winter Fancy Food Show is in full swing.

The entrance into the Moscone Center, South Hall, as the 2018 Winter Fancy Food Show is in full swing.

FRN is proud to have verified both the Summer and Winter Fancy Food Shows through our Food Recovery Verified program. When FRN verifies an event, we ensure that surplus food is donated to a local nonprofit organization. Food Recovery Verification is a way for businesses and events to show — to their employees and customers — that they are taking positive steps to divert food waste from landfills. The Fancy Food Shows are paving the way for other events by recovering their food and gaining recognition for doing so by becoming Food Recovery Verified.

“Specialty Food Association is a leader in the food industry space. They've prioritized food recovery at their signature Fancy Food events,” said Annie Lobel, FRN’s Director of External Partnerships and Growth. “Our goal is for other influencers in the sector to join our fight to reduce unnecessary food waste.”

FRN National’s 2018 Winter Fancy Food Show Recovery Organizers (Paloma Sisneros-Lobato, Michael Boyd, and Annie Lobel, in green shirts) with the Director of Freight Operations at The Freeman Company (Louis Travieso, center) ecstatic to see the amoun…

FRN National’s 2018 Winter Fancy Food Show Recovery Organizers (Paloma Sisneros-Lobato, Michael Boyd, and Annie Lobel, in green shirts) with the Director of Freight Operations at The Freeman Company (Louis Travieso, center) ecstatic to see the amount of incredible food being redirected from the landfill

On January 23, volunteers gathered at the Moscone Center, a conference center in downtown San Francisco that is so large that its two buildings are connected by a tunnel underneath Howard Street. Volunteers were trained by FRN national staff on how to do a recovery from a trade show. At four p.m., the Winter Fancy Food Show ended, and the recovery commenced. Among the organized chaos of the show being torn down, volunteers used rolling bins to scoot up and down aisles collecting food labeled “perishable” and “non-perishable” prioritizing perishable items to keep within food safety regulations. The event spanned across three massive halls. With good running shoes and lots of energy, volunteers navigated the aisles of their designated halls, some the size of a football field. After collecting donated food, the items were organized in consolidation zones, placed onto pallets and shrink wrapped. Every pallet that was wrapped inspired feelings of accomplishment among volunteers and staff because the incredible food was going to the Delancey Street Foundation.

The Delancey Street Foundation, a residential organization that supports individuals through job training and other reentry programs, was the primary partner agency and nonprofit recipient for this recovery; 27,655 pounds was donated to its culinary training program. Delancey supports individuals who are recovering from alcohol and/or substance abuse or those who are reintegrating into society after being incarcerated. Part of this support includes job programs that teach and employ individuals in truck driving, restaurant work, and other vocational occupations.

For the recovery, FRN collaborated with Delancey’s truck driving school to organize the food transportation. “What an absolute joy it was to be able to participate in the food recovery,” said Stephanie Muller, member of the Delancey Street Foundation leadership team. “The [FRN] team was quick, helpful, thoughtful and giving; what a rare combination.”

It was very rewarding to find a partner agency that could not only accept the entire food donation, but that contributed to the recovery’s success and was so gracious in the process. “We feed over 250 residents three meals a day and they are in heaven to be able to eat tasty, healthy, fresh food,” Stephanie said.

To organize and execute this recovery, FRN brought together individuals from across the FRN Bay Area community, which included dedicated students, alumni, and professionals.

Recovered food stacked high on pallets on trade show floor awaiting delivery to recipient partner agency

Recovered food stacked high on pallets on trade show floor awaiting delivery to recipient partner agency

“The Bay Area is packed with people who want to be part of changing our community for the better, but [they] most often don't have the luxury of extra time to act on those goals,” said Jack Steinmann, chapter President at San Francisco State University (SFSU). Steinmann recruited volunteers for the Winter Fancy Food Show recovery from every student group he could think of, including sports teams, greek life, and of course, the SFSU FRN chapter. “I had to spread my search further and further throughout the Bay, which helped me connect with organizations and individuals I otherwise would not have had the opportunity to interact with.”

Makena Wong, co-founder of the Santa Clara University chapter and now alumna, was so dedicated to making this project a success that she brought along a group of colleagues from her company’s San Francisco office.

“The highlight of the event for me was seeing my co-workers experience food recovery for the first time. Many of them expressed their confusion, shock, and amazement as they slowly realized the volume of food we were saving. It was invigorating for me to see them start to get it – the injustice bothered them and motivated them to act.”

Evan Ponchick, one of the founding members of the flagship FRN chapter at the University of Maryland, now lives in San Francisco and was able to join the crew of volunteers. Nearly seven years ago, he volunteered at the first-ever FRN food recovery; it was truly momentous that he was able to partake in FRN’s largest-ever recovery in San Francisco this January.  

“It was incredibly meaningful and empowering to see current college students that are a part of Bay Area FRN chapters help make this recovery happen.” Evan reflected. “I am thrilled to see that the organization is at a point where it can grow and have even greater impact beyond college campuses!”

The food recovery movement is gaining momentum every day from the work that FRN is doing across the country. Students at more than 235 FRN chapters recover food from their campuses while Food Recovery Verified businesses build food recovery into their daily operations. By organizing a recovery from the 2018 Winter Fancy Food Show, FRN helped this event set the precedent for similar events of this scale. Across the country, food recovery can —and should— be the norm in our schools, our businesses, and at our events. Pallet by pallet and pound by pound, it is possible to fight waste and feed people in every community.

FRN Program Manager Hannah Cather and enthusiastic volunteers recovering from the show floor in the Moscone Center Esplanade

FRN Program Manager Hannah Cather and enthusiastic volunteers recovering from the show floor in the Moscone Center Esplanade

Thank you:

This recovery was monumental for FRN. It brought together so many important and passionate individuals including friends at Specialty Food Foundation, Freeman Co., Delancey, and of course, our many San Francisco and Bay Area chapters. We are extremely grateful for those who made this achievement possible, including:

Students and alumni from:

  • California State University, Fresno

  • San Francisco State University

  • Santa Clara University

  • University of California, Berkeley

  • University of California, Davis

  • University of California, San Diego

  • University of San Francisco

Friends from companies and organizations including:

  • Clif Bar & Company

  • Delancey Street Foundation

  • Dropbox

  • EPA

  • Freeman Co.

  • Google

  • Hampton Creek

  • Ideo

  • Malone Security

  • Specialty Food Association

  • ThoughtWorks

  • Woodard and Curran