Don't Forget! An NFRD Packing List

FRN student leaders, this one's for you.

Across the country, you all are gearing up for the best weekend of 2016, maybe of your entire college careers. You're getting ready to trek many, many miles to College Park, Maryland -- University of Hawaii, we're looking at you -- for the inaugural National Food Recovery Dialogue, which has a schedule you won't believe. We know you have a lot on your plates, so we compiled this list of must-not-leave-behind items to make sure you're 100 percent prepared for this weekend. If we forgot anything, let us know


The schedule for this weekend is packed! You'll need to be hydrated so your brain can absorb all the information being thrown your way. 



You'll need your phone charged all weekend! How else will you use the FRN app to check the schedule or find your way to your breakout session or take notes or connect with FRNds or follow #NFRD2016 or listen to our playlist? (You should probably download the app. Just search "Food Recovery" in the App Store.) 


Sure, there's a place to take notes in the app, but wouldn't it be fun to jot down ideas in an old-school Lisa Frank notebook? We think so. Don't forget a pen! Extra points if it's a gel pen.

4. $$$

You don't need hundreds of dollars, just $15 for our newest FRN T-shirt! If you missed the Instagram announcement, you can check out what the shirts look like here


Ya never know when a dance party might break out. We diiiiiid put an official NFRD playlist on our app. 


Reach for your Silly Putty when you're feeling overwhelmed by all the awesome things that are happening around you. After all, we are "sculpting" the answers to some pretty big problems. 


If you're taking advantage of the free housing, be sure to bring something to sleep on. We have no idea where to acquire a pillow-blanket like this but if you find one, let us know. We could use one for the office. 


Because...why not?


We can't wait for you all to get here! If you take any pictures during your trip, be sure to tag us @FoodRecovery and use #NFRD2016 or add us on Snapchat @foodrecovery!

Welcome to Our House

A quote about FRN's founding decorated the scene at our first-ever house party.

A quote about FRN's founding decorated the scene at our first-ever house party.

For many, St. Patrick’s Day was March’s big event. While we celebrated with cookies and our love for all things green (both the color and the environmental sense of the word), the big event for us at Food Recovery Network was our first-ever house party.

At our open, meet-and-greet house party, we had the pleasure of hosting more than 70 Washington, D.C.-area residents for an evening of refreshments, conversation and education. The goal? To create an intentional space for building connections between people who share a dedication to social and environmental justice, while also spreading the word about FRN and how we are working to create positive change at both the community and national levels. 

Throughout the evening, we shared information about the interrelated issues of food waste and hunger -- and how Food Recovery Network is working to combat both through its student-driven mission. We communicated our vision of a nation where food recovery is the norm rather than the exception. And we connected with others who share similar visions.

Tommy Wells, the director of the Department of Energy & Environment for the District of Columbia with more than 30 years of public service, spoke about creating positive social and environmental change right here in Washington, D.C. Kelliann Blazek, a legislative assistant, also attended the event on behalf of Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-Maine), the congresswoman who introduced the nation’s first bill that would significantly reduce food waste on a national scale. They were joined by dozens more professionals whose work generates a positive impact both for today and for the future. 

Looking to the future, in this fifth year since FRN’s founding, we are so grateful for all who have supported FRN and food recovery in general so far. We saw a snapshot of this support in the passion of our house party attendees, and we are so excited to continue building on the connections and momentum this event helped us create. 


We’re always looking to create connections in our communities. Interested in hosting a house party or similar event with Food Recovery Network? Let us know by emailing Karen Mawdsley at

7 Food Documentaries You Should Watch Right Now

Are you a student leader looking for something new to inspire your team before your next recovery? New to the concept of food justice and want to learn more about the people that grow and pick our food? Just want to watch a movie where they sing songs about a truck? If you fall into any of these categories, get excited. We've complied a list of seven of the best food documentaries out there.


1. A Place at the Table

What's it about? A Place at the Table is about hunger in America and focuses mostly on families with children. It explores in-depth the impact of hunger on a child’s education, goals and long-term success. It also takes a look at the correlation between obesity and poverty and suggests some potential solutions for ending hunger and improving our food system.

Why watch it? To learn more about hunger in America. It’s a great way to motivate new food recovery volunteers as well, as it's full of moving personal stories by people who have dealt with hunger.


2. Just Eat It

What's it about? A Canadian couple decides to eat only food that would otherwise have been wasted for 6 months and are continually shocked to find that there is a huge surplus of food at the different grocery stores that they visit. Over the course of those 6 months, they spend less than $200 on groceries and save more than $20,000 of food.

Why You Should Watch It: Just Eat It is a great film if you want to learn more about dumpster diving and/or other ways to procure wasted food. It’s expertly produced and doesn’t take itself too seriously, so you can have fun while watching it, too.


3. Truck Farm

What's it about? Two friends want to grow a garden in New York City but realize that the only space they have to grow in is their truck bed. This doesn't stop them; they outfit their truck with a fancy drainage system designed for a roof and proceed to grow an abundance of vegetables and herbs in it while driving it all over the city.

Why watch it? If you’re trying to teach kids about urban farming, Truck Farm is a great option! They explore several creative ways to grow produce in a city. Check this one out if you’re in a goofy mood but still want something informative -- this movie doubles as a musical (featuring songs like “Truck Farm, It’s Like A Roof”)!


4. Food Chains

What's it about? Food Chains focuses on farmworker justice, specifically on the plight of farmworkers in Florida who are being paid a penny for each pound of tomatoes they pick. The film follows the Coalition of Immokalee Workers as they take on huge corporations like Walmart and Publix.

Why Watch It? To learn more about farmworker justice and the impact that our food system has on the people who pick our food. It’s also a great film to watch to better understand exactly where our food comes from and the systems that exist to grow, pick, and bring it to market.


5. Dive!

What's it about? A group of friends go dumpster diving for most of their meals and find that they have way more food than they need. They try to find a way to donate or reroute it but realize that the process of recovering the wasted food is more complicated than they expected.

Why Watch It? Dive! is a great movie to watch as an introduction to food waste. These filmmakers are incredibly knowledgeable about wasted food and its impact on the environment and cite strong statistics and existing legislation that viewers should consider.


6. The Starfish Throwers

What's it about? The Starfish Throwers follows three people who are making a difference by feeding the hungry: a man who goes out each night with sandwiches for those in need, a young girl who grows gardens all over the U.S. to serve free dinners, and a man in India who drives food to people on the street on a daily basis.

Why Watch It? To learn more about three individuals who are leading inspiring efforts in the fight against hunger.  The three leaders profiled are incredibly passionate about their work -- their energy and commitment is contagious! 


7. Food, Inc

What's it about? Food, Inc. is an expose on corporate agriculture that explores how large-scale industrial farming is harming people, animals and the environment. Featuring interviews with food experts Eric Schlosser, Michael Pollan, Gary Hirshberg and Joel Salatin, the film addresses everything from factory farming to food safety to GMOs. 

Why watch it? This film is a must-see for anyone who is interested in the politics behind our food. If you haven't seen it already, watch it for a strong introductory overview of the major issues facing our food system.


Excited about watching the above films? If you're attending the National Food Recovery Dialogue or in the D.C. area on Sunday, April 3, get tickets to our screening of Just Eat It. A Q&A with filmmaker Jenny Rustemeyer will follow the screening.

NFRD Who's Who: Q&A with Jackie DeCarlo of Community Food Rescue

This is the eighth post in our NFRD Who's Who series, a collection of interviews with the fantastic leaders who will be speaking at the National Food Recovery Dialogue from April 2-4. Stay tuned – we'll be sharing more interviews as we count down to the NFRD.

Jackie DeCarlo is the Executive Director of Community Food Rescue. Jackie’s professional background is in education and not-for-profit management, and she has promoted economic and social justice within communities around the United States, in Africa, Latin America, and Europe. Originally an elementary school teacher, Jackie became involved in international economic and justice work at the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI), developing USCRI’s first overseas direct service programs. Jackie was the first director of the newly independent Fair Trade Resource Network and worked for eight years at Catholic Relief Services, leading is Fair Trade program expansion in the United States. Currently serving as Manna Food Center’s Executive Director, Jackie is responsible for the strategic development of the leading community-based organization working to end hunger in Montgomery County, Maryland. She currently serves on the Montgomery County Food Council and is leading the Community Food Rescue network designed to reduce both food waste and hunger in the County. Fair Trade: A Beginner’s Guide, Jackie’s first book, was released on May 12, 2007, World Fair Trade Day. Jackie’s ongoing commitment to economic justice and responsible consumption is nurtured through her place of worship, the Bethesda Friends (Quaker) Meeting. In her free time Jackie enjoys yoga, gardening, and spending time with friends and family. In addition obtaining a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Agnes Scott College in Atlanta, Georgia, Jackie earned her Master of Science in Administration from University College at the University of Maryland. In July 2015 she was named one of “50 Under 50” Food Heroes in the Washington, DC region. Montgomery Magazine named her one of “Six People Who Make a Difference in Montgomery County” in December 2015. She regularly benefits from continuing education from the Center for Courage and Renewal.

FRN: What are you looking forward to at the conference?

Jackie DeCarlo: Being among student leaders again. Before coming to Manna Food Center, I used to regularly attend college convergences promoting Fair Trade. In those settings I had my perspectives broadened by students and my beliefs and approaches to justice work challenged. Hopefully I also shared some useful perspectives about the realities of nonprofit work and will do so at the dialogue.

FRN: Why are you passionate about food recovery?

JD: As those in the movement often state, food is a powerful, essential connector of people and cultures. Without food, people and societies can’t thrive. I am passionate about system work because I believe that with the right values and responsible activities we can create mechanisms for a workable system: one in which everyone has enough food to eat in a way that is fair to the producers of the food and respectful of the planet.

FRN: What's your proudest accomplishment of your career?

JD: I was contracted to write a book called ‘Fair Trade: A Beginner’s Guide” that was a tremendous amount of work, exposed me to economic justice leaders around the world, and seems to have helped inform and inspire readers. I am proud that I contributed to the growth of the fair trade movement. Promoting the book and its principles helped me build the confidence to turn my attention to domestic programs that support the kind of world I want to live in—one free of hunger and food insecurity.

FRN: Time for some fun. What would you say your spirit kitchen utensil is?

JD: I’d be a coffee grinder because fair trade organic beans from Peace Coffee in Minneapolis (a plug for my favorite coffee company) always make the best brew when freshly ground.


Interested in learning more about Jackie's work with Community Food Rescue? Register for the National Food Recovery Dialogue today and follow Community Food Rescue on Facebook and Twitter!

Recap: How to be a #foodrecoverynetwork Boss on the Internet

Renee and Paul from University of Denver talking about the social media platforms their chapter's use.

Renee and Paul from University of Denver talking about the social media platforms their chapter's use.

Last week we had a lot of fun in the office, and in the midst of it all, I hosted a webinar about social media called “How to be a #foodrecoverynetwork Boss on the Internet.” It was great to hear from our FRNds Renee and Paul at University of Denver and Maria from Whittier College. Leyla, our National Team social media wizard, also shared some of her insights.

Let’s take a quick look at some of our stats. There are 103 chapters on Facebook, 39 on Twitter and 36 on Instagram. In February, there were almost 17,000 likes on all the chapter Facebook pages combined and almost 300 posts! Why do those numbers matter? Because the more people paying attention to FRN on the Internet, the more people who are thinking about the shift from food waste to food recovery. “Online engagement can lead to offline engagement” is a mantra that makes sense for the 21st century, and we heard how true that can be for both DU and Whittier's chapters.

Paul, in an attempt to win a competition ZipCar was coordinating for community service organizations, shared a “petition” on. Because of his and the rest of his chapter's online outreach, DU was awarded a $2,000 grant. How cool is that!? Maria touched on how beneficial it is to use images in any call to action you post on social media. People are more likely to respond to a good looking graphic than lines of text.

Both chapters shared that it’s important to invite everyone you know to like your Facebook page. Invite anyone who’s a student at your school, your best friend from childhood and your aunt for good measure. The more people who are following along with your chapter, the more people who can help volunteer and also celebrate your achievements. Paul and Renee regularly share updates from their recoveries, like the time they recovered 400 pounds and celebrated with Voodoo Doughnuts. Leyla, who runs the FRN National Facebook page, says that’s the best kind of post a chapter can share: an exciting update about a recovery or other awesome event with a good picture.

So, if you want more details on how to be a #foodrecoverynetwork boss, you can watch the whole webinar on YouTube. There will also be a social media workshop at the National Food Recovery Dialogue. Hope to see some of you there!


...One last thing: Be sure to like and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.