Food Recovery Network

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Meet Chase Tomasino - An FRN Chapter Founder at Binghamton University

Chase is the co-president of FRN at SUNY Binghamton. FRN at Binghamton was originally founded in 2017 but was taken over and restructured by Chase and Anna (also highlighted on the blog)! Since its original founding, FRN at Binghamton has recovered 173,567.49  pounds🤯.

What is most fulfilling about your work with FRN?

There are so many fulfilling things about FRN it is so hard to pick just one! I would say that being a Chapter-in-Progress the most fulfilling part would be being able to work with my fellow E-board members to get FRN up and running on campus. The enthusiasm everyone has for this club and the helpfulness of the dining halls and partner agencies is just so heartwarming.

What is your favorite part of being a member of your FRN chapter? 

My favorite part of being a member is being able to have hands-on experiences with the dining halls on campus. I love working with the kitchen staff to be able to prepare large amounts of safe food for the community. It is definitely the most rewarding volunteer experience I have ever been a part of.

What goes into starting a chapter where you live?

Why did you want to start a chapter in your community?

I worked with my co-president, Anna Brennan, to build this club. FRN at Binghamton had never been an official Student Association (SA) organization and it did not have any true leadership or organization. We were given the opportunity to create some real structure, so we recruited an entire executive board, over 30 members, and submitted a chartership proposal to the SA. We thought that giving back to our community and eliminating food waste on campus were very important issues that we wanted to tackle. We had also been volunteering with FRN since freshman year, so this club was something very near and dear to our college experience.

During the pandemic, how has this experience been valuable to you?

This experience has given everyone a way to be involved with the community during these difficult times. Personally, it was great seeing how COVID safe the kitchen staff and community were being. This pandemic has brought up a lot of negative, and stressful emotions but working with FRN has brought me so much hope and joy this year than I ever thought possible. I am so glad that we have safety guidelines in place that allow us to continue our recoveries as efficiently as possible.

What does a just and equitable food system look like to you?

A just and equitable food system is one where everyone in the community has access to affordable and healthy food. It is also a system where food waste is minimal and food deserts do not exist.

What advice would you give to new members – especially during a pandemic? What was something you wish someone had told you before you took on your role?

My advice to new members would be to work hard. Founding a club is not easy but it is extremely rewarding. FRN has brought me so much joy, and it deserves all of your hard work because we are making such an incredible difference in this world!

What is your Instagram handle?

My Instagram is @chase.tomasino

Inspired by Chase's story?

Learn more about starting a chapter where you live!