Food Recovery Network

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Two years after the unification of FRN & CKP, FRN's movement is stronger than ever

In 2019, Food Recovery Network (FRN) and Campus Kitchen Project (CKP) united under FRN to expand food recovery to colleges and universities across the nation. Starting that August, Campus Kitchens Project and Food Recovery Network began transitioning Campus Kitchens Project Chapters to Food Recovery Network Chapters. This strategic transition aligned student-led food recovery efforts with a single, strongly positioned national organization and set up Food Recovery Network, individual Campus Kitchens, and the wider food recovery movement for lasting success.

Two years later, the unification of FRN and CKP is now complete. As the food recovery movement moves into its next chapter, a unified national Network of student-led chapters at colleges and universities presents a unique opportunity to command change within higher education nationwide. This expanded Network of passionate students will make food recovery, not food waste, the standard on their campuses and within their communities.

Image: Food Recovery Network and Campus Kitchen Project volunteers

Our students across the country understand that food is a right, and that’s not up for debate. They also understand the food system is not working for everyone. FRN’s unification with CKP coincided with the next phase of FRN’s work, FRN10X that seeks to expand our stakeholder base from 4,000 to 40,000 people over the next 10 years. 

FRN10X launched in 2020 and seeks to feed everyone who is hungry in the United States with surplus food. We understand there are currently more people in this country who are hungry than our surplus food provides, and that is why FRN’s movement also seeks to understand the economic systems that prevent the currently 42 million people in this country from having consistent access to the food they deserve, and to remove the structures that cause this to happen in the first place. Our students work hard to feed people every day, and they work hard through advocacy and education, to ensure people have the food they deserve each and every day after that.

Please look here and here to learn more about FRN10X and our current work to achieve our goals. Also, be sure to read our blog for more stories from the movement.