Food Recovery Network

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Top 3 Reasons to become an FRN Chapter

The COVID-19 pandemic has required humans to adapt in ways which could not have been imagined a year ago, and Food Recovery Network (FRN) as an organization is no different. At a time when more than 54 million people are experiencing hunger, our work is needed now more than ever. Along with our dedicated student leaders, we want you to join in the movement to recover surplus food to feed everyone who is hungry in the U.S.

So why should you join FRN?:

  1. Because there are multiple ways for your chapter to show your commitment to your community. To start a chapter, you will choose one of three “tracks” to organize your chapter around: (1) recovering surplus food from your campus or a business in your community; (2) raising awareness about the fractured food system; or (3) advocating for change through activism and engagement. All are essential components to building a more just and equitable food system. Our program team helps you each step of the way.

  2. Because you can help people in your community today. Issues of excess food and access to food can feel huge and rife with reasons that seem too big to begin to address. But FRN offers flexible ways to help your community based on your capacity on a given day. This may involve recovering surplus food at least once during a semester, sharing articles about food insecurity in your community with 10 friends or emailing your elected officials about ways they can help feed people today through a change of policies or regulations. It is about the time you have to contribute, and every little bit helps.

  3. No really, every little bit helps. In the last 10 years, FRN recovered enough surplus food to provide 4.1 million meals. To give you an idea of what that means, this is equivalent to providing one meal to nearly every person in Oregon for one day. In 2020 alone, amidst a pandemic, FRN provided 868,771 meals to people in need, that is nearly one meal to every person in South Dakota. It also translates to over 7.4 million pounds of CO2 emissions prevented. This is what happens when every chapter does a little bit – it adds up to a whole lot.

Start or join an existing chapter today.