Food Recovery Network

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7 Memories to Get You Excited for the NFRD 2016

There are only three weeks left until we welcome hundreds of FRNds to the National Food Recovery Dialogue! As we count down the days, we're remembering how wonderful it was to spend a weekend surrounded by such inspirational folks last year. Read seven of our favorite memories below! And if you want to keep up with all the fun we have April 2-4, follow @foodrecovery on Twitter and Instagram and #NFRD2016.  



"I loved the getting-to-know-you bingo and the photo booth at the FRN student dinner. Also all our student panelists and presenters were amaaaaaazing."

FRNds being silly in the photo booth.


"Okay so this isn't a specific moment, but walking around the whole weekend in a sea of FRN green shirts was such an incredible experience. Seeing so many leaders repping FRN really made me feel part of something so much bigger than myself."

Dr. Caree Cotwright sharing her story about food and education.

Mika Weinstein, Manager of Programs and Evaluation

"Dr. Caree Cotwright was an incredibly motivational speaker! As a part of her talk, some brave FRNds got up in front of the conference and told us what their dreams were. Inspiring stuff!" 

FRNds making friends.

Mia Zavalij, Director of Development

"I loved getting to know our students -- and being so so inspired by them! It was amazing to hear their stories and perspectives from their experience on the ground with FRN."

Last year's FRN family.

Hannah Gingerich, Member Support Fellow

"One of my favorite (and most memorable) moments was actually waiting for the bus at the airport to take us to Athens. As chapters arrived one by one, we started introducing ourselves, asking "what school are you from?", "how many people from your chapter came?", "have you come to a conference before?", etc., etc. But after those initial couple questions, it was like there was no barrier -- many of us became fast FRNds! As we waited for the delayed bus, a large group of us sat down in the airport and started coloring with some books a chapter had brought, laughing and sharing food. This sort of easy friendship continued throughout the conference, especially in those moments in which we found ourselves back at our church for the night or headed out for ice cream after our group dinner. The energy at the airport that first night was so exciting -- the sense of community was almost instantaneous."

Sara Gassman and Sara Gross explaining the bingo game for making new FRNds.

Leyla Erkan, Expansion Fellow

"Becoming BFFs with my chapter after sharing a room with five other people! Other highlights include: being so shy that I didn't talk to anyone at FRN national, losing but enjoying bingo at the student dinner, geeking out at the photo wall (while also struggling to arrange our letters properly lolol), seeing other FRN chapters and taking goofy pics while volunteering. Most importantly I felt inspired to apply for this fellowship! Wooo!" 

A FRNd listens intently to the conference's keynote address.

Hannah Cather, Member Support Fellow

"Attending last year's conference on a whim was the best spontaneous decision I've ever made. I was covered in chill bumps all weekend because everything was SO inspiring! Everyone around me was doing something to change the world. How incredible is that?"