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Kids Say the Darndest Things: Inspiration from THIRD Graders

Danielle DiCristofano of University of Dayton's FRN chapter Skyping with a classroom of third graders at Sheridan Elementary in Dayton, Ohio.

Sometimes FRN takes you to unusual places, like the middle of a elementary school classroom via Skype. Danielle DiCristofano, leader of University of Dayton's FRN chapter, recently had the opportunity to share her story with a group of enthusiastic third graders at Sheridan Elementary School in Dayton, Ohio. Danielle shared her thoughts about the experience with us in the interview below. 


FRN: What did you tell the third graders?

DD: I told the kids about how I started the club and what each team member was responsible for in order for our operation to run smoothly. I also explained the process of what we did each week to get the food from our cafeteria to the food bank. 

FRN: What was your favorite question they asked?

DD: "How has this club affected your life?"  I never really thought about how this would affect myself because the goal of this operation is really to help others. It made me realize that this club has played a huge role in my decision to pick a focus of community nutrition and sustainability in my dietetics studies. This reminded me that a lot of our best learning and growing opportunities happen outside of the classroom!

Questions the students prepared to asked Daneille. 

FRN: How did you feel while talking to them? Inspired in any way?

DD: Talking to these kids reminded me how important it is to ask questions. As we grow older, we tend to feel silly when asking too many questions, but their curiosity sparked some great conversation and ideas that I had never thought of on my own! I was inspired to keep using my unique skills to help others in my own way because the students reminded me that being different can be used as a strength to make this world a better place. Overall, these kids reminded me to approach every situation with enthusiasm and curiosity!

FRN: Do you have any tips for people who are preparing to talk with kids?

DD: You really cannot prepare yourself for a conversation with a group of kids -- they're all wildcards! I would have some good inspirational advice ready for them. I noticed that the teachers really wanted me to inspire their students to find different ways to help others, so they really enjoyed any piece of advice I could offer.


Know a classroom of kids that could use some inspiration from an FRN student leader? Send us an email at, and we'll do our best to connect you!